

4th of July Tye Dyed shirts

4th of July Tye Dyed Shirts

I always, every year just buy those 5 dollar shirts from Old Navy with the flag on them. But….this year I decided to make my girls some patriotic shirts. How hard could it be right? Well…after scouring pinterest for ideas I settled on trying some tye dying. The tutorial I found was great, pictures were awesome. But…my end result, well it was good but wasn’t near as cute as the original. My girls will still wear them because they are definitely not horrible, and because I worked so hard on them.

I thought, tye dying, easy and cheap, it can’t take a lot of time. I was partially correct. It was pretty cheap, I got the shirts at Wal Mart for 3.00, and the tulip shirt dye at JoAnns with a coupon so it was 6.00. It wasn’t hard at all, just mix the dye up and squirt it the shirts. But time consuming it was, and super messy. Or maybe I am just messy…hmmmm, not sure. All I know is it DID make a mess and rinsing the dye out of the shirts took FOREVER!

So, not a total pinterest FAIL, maybe we could call it a partial fail and maybe the reason for the partial fail is all me, it was my very first time experimenting with tye die!! Plus I tried to dye some polka dotted white fabric scraps to make hair accessories out of. Didn’t really work!

So, here is how it went. Continue reading

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2013 AZ – 4th of July Celebrations {find the fireworks!}


Every year I scour the internet looking for firework shows and fun stuff to do here in Arizona. As a family we have attended a different 4th of July celebration every year for the last several years. We get around! But, there are so many great places to see fireworks here in the valley of the sun I want to check them all out. This year we will be attending the show in Goodyear at the ballpark and I am so excited. If you live in the area I highly recommend it. Plus I just super duper LOVE fireworks and so do my girls. I think is is in our blood. So in case you are also scouring the internet trying to locate the best fireworks shows around, about.com has made it super easy for you this year. They have compiled a pretty stinkin’ awesome list of all the shows in AZ and what they will be featuring plus a link to each show’s site so you can read and read about fireworks displays to your hearts content. Continue reading

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Easy Pillow Covers

Easy Pillow Covers

Ok, this is embarrassing to admit…but the pillow on my couches are over 6 years old!! Yes, I wash them, but YES they need to be updated STAT! The above pic shows the covered pillows because I just couldn’t take a close up pic of the old ones! Covering them has been on my to do list forever. I would love to have just bought new pillows but have you shopped for couch pillows lately? They are expensive, holy cow!!! But sewing covers for them, totally within my budget. My pillow forms were still in great condition, but the sequins and designs on the pillows were a little ratty people!

Sewing these pillow covers was seriously easy. Especially after I finished the first one, it’s always easier after you get one figured out. I found a tutorial over at Texas Cottage, and used the directions to sew my first pillow. It worked great, but the cover was a little too tight for my liking, so I changed the measurements a little, whipped up some easy pillow covers, shot some pictures, and here it is, my first sewing tutorial here at 32 Turns. I think they turned out AWESOME!

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Summer Reading Loss


I don’t know about you other momma’s out there, but I always worry a bit about summer and my kids forgetting things they learned during the school year. Their teachers (and me!) worked so hard all school year to teach them new things,  and we did lots of homework to try and glue the learning into their brains and then the long days of summer come along and you just pray they don’t forget it all!

I was reading online and was shocked by the following quote!

“The few months (summer months) of loss in reading skills compounds over the years; by the time children reach middle school, those who haven’t read during the summers may have lost as much as two years worth of achievement.

Agh! That is scary! It is so important to keep our kids reading and thinking all summer long, here is what we are doing at our house to prevent the summer reading slide!!

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